New Year Goals

I will work hard to make all of my dreams come true.

I want to develop lots of apps over the year and make download links available on all of my websites.

I want to continue working on my music project. Get as many songs out there as possible.

I want to work on building my online stores and offer all sorts of products with vintage and public domain images.

I want to work on a concept for a virtual maid cafe and branch that idea out into a store location.

I want to continue writing stories and publishing them.

I want to continue to create art pieces and crafts and sell them through my Facebook and other social media websites.

I want to write reviews to draw attention to art projects that I believe in and post them on my blog.

I also want to write reviews about television shows, Asian dramas, and other mainstream media that I support.

I want to make my card game ideas, board game ideas, role playing game ideas, and video game ideas become a reality.

I want to continue to write television and movie scripts and submit them to appropriate sources,

I want to try to get some of the children’s books I’ve written published.